Over 50, Stuck and Can’t Create?

Over 50, Stuck and Can’t Create?

July 30, 2024

It's the struggle between creating what is acceptable for women over 50 versus what people will think is crazy for women over 50.
  • Do you want crazy colors, boho vomit and curse words on formerly brown pieces of furniture that were heading to the dump?
  • Have you ever taken that hotflash energy and painted your anger at this change all over some side table?
  • Or maybe you are post-menopausal and desire to make something that is dark and dangerous and no one has ever seen before in a living room...
I think about that cute thing I saw some other Iron Orchid Designs stockist make. Women are just tripping over each other to gush their LOVE for it on FB.  “Why, I need to make cute too!”, my logical side tells me. Gotta sell that product!

(Hello, Insecurity? Is that your voice I hear?)

So. I paint a bureau grey. Let it sit in my studio. Weeks go by. Nothing. Why.
I know why. Because:
  • I am not going to do some cookie cutter thing that people can copy
  • I am going to make this crazy piece of furniture that maybe no one will ever buy
  • No one will be tripping over themselves to love my art on social media 
  • The companies I am a stockist for may not approve of my youtube videos with me dropping the F bomb every 5 minutes when I fuck up this crazy piece of art
  • I might lose customers
Because you may leave me here all alone in my midlife studio thinking I am crazy to make the kind of art I want to make.

(Hello, Fear? Is that YOUR voice I hear?)

I have never been good at playing it safe. I have never hit the milestones along my life the way that I was taught to growing up or the way most of my friends did.
Examples off the top of my head:  Married at 36 after 4 broken engagements. First kid at 38. Whoopsie kid at 40. I never did anything “right” according to a lot of people. (I disappointed so many of my mother’s friends.)
Why the hell am I letting that stop me now?
Society has been most clear about what women over 50 are supposed to do. Fade away.
👀 Get invisible now
You have nothing left to contribute
👹 Repercussions are greater now that you are older
You can’t afford to make mistakes
And there is no starting over now, old lady
🩶 Be grey. 

Aaaaaaand... Back to that bureau!

Am I really going to try to hawk some inauthentic piece of “art” on you, ArtMaker? Or am I going to paint that thing whatever way my screaming heart desires? 

Here's the thing about grey - it just doesn't rock my world. Never did, never will. And trying to force myself into that mold, well, it's like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. It's uncomfortable, and honestly, it sucks the joy out of creating.

The truth is, our passions and instincts are like compasses, guiding us towards our true north. When we ignore them, we end up lost, wandering aimlessly, wondering why we feel so unfulfilled. It's like hitting the creative block of all creative blocks.

So, whether you're a fellow artist, a woman over 50, or anyone feeling the pressure to conform, remember this: it's okay to break the mold. Embrace your quirks, your passions, your unique voice.

Because when you do, you'll not only create art that sets your soul on fire, but you'll also inspire others to do the same. 

And that, friend, is a beautiful thing.

Curious to see what happens when grey met my authentic creativity? 

Witness the transformation and help find new courage to break free in your own creative journey. Here is a video of going grey and then going ME!
Kindest Regards,


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