The F Word

The F Word

April 01, 2024

I send out emails a few times a week to people who sign up on my website. On Mondays, I like to start out with a message that can be uplifting, challenging, thought provoking, etc. In the marketing world, these types of emails are called nurturing emails. "The purpose of these emails is to build a relationship with the customer and keep them engaged with your brand until they are ready to buy." And yes, I do want to engage with my customers but not just for them to buy something. I really want women to know there are a lot of things going on in this time of our lives and they are not alone. That I stand behind my mission "Accidental ArtMaker loves and supports every woman, mid-life or older, who is discovering herself and is creating art as a way to express that discovery. Just like your own journey, your art is uniquely beautiful too. Embrace it, kindle it, and be proud of it." Here is the email for you to decide:

SL: The F word

PT: You’re better than that, (first name)

"If you wanna fly, you got to give up 

the s*** that weighs you down.” 

— Toni Morrison

So, I was chilling with my morning coffee today. A slow morning where the world hasn't started yelling at you yet. 

And this thought just wandered into my mind –

Why are we all freaking out about being average?

Do I have to be the Meryl Streep of something? What if I'm cool just sipping my coffee, creating some art, hanging with my hubby, or chatting on the phone with my kid for hours?

It's like we're all running from "average" like it's some kind of monster under the bed. 👽

Think about it –

That dress you love but won't wear because you think you're not rocking the right body for it. Who even cares?

Or that dance class you've been eyeing but never sign up for. 

Too old, you think? BS!

It's this fear of being just okay at something that stops us dead in our tracks. 

Stops us from wearing what we want. 

Stops us from dancing like nobody's watching.

But what if being average is actually the secret sauce? 

What if it's not about the spotlight but about those little moments? 

Like, really savoring your coffee or creating something not for Instagram, but just for you.

I'm thinking it's time to give the middle finger to these fears. Time to wear that dress. Time to sign up for the dance class. 

Because, honestly, being average? It's not a curse. It's freedom.

So, what do you say? Ready to embrace your average with me? Let's do it. Let's find joy in just being us.

Hit me back with your thoughts. Ever ditched these fears and found something awesome on the other side? I wanna hear it.

Catch you later,

Sharon "the happily average" Dawson



Kathy Russell

Kathy Russell said:

F word with a capital F! Apparently, the quitters and the “glass half empty” folks didn’t read your rockin’ email. You know what they say about assuming…. :)

Jamie Mauldin

Jamie Mauldin said:

I’m sooooo down with the “F” word.
And average? Let me tell you a lil something. You or others may call it or consider it
" average" but in my Creators thoughts and eyes, you are “uniquely you”.
He made NOTHING average….average is our word and perception….not His.
Anywho, at 62 retired broke, sippin my coffee, walkin my dog and creating whatever blows my hair back….
I’m certainly " rocking it"….. lol

Thank you for your inspiring words ❤

Be blessed,

Sharon the Accidental Artmaker

Sharon the Accidental Artmaker said:

Jamie, your comment has us all in stitches! 😂 Your embrace of the “F” word and your unique perspective on what truly matters in life is both refreshing and hilarious. 🙌 Who needs average when you’re busy sipping coffee, walking the pup, and pursuing whatever tickles your fancy at a cool 62? Keep on rocking it like the superstar you are, Jamie! Thanks for spreading those good vibes and infectious laughter. Stay blessed and keep shining bright! 🌟😄

Tammie Fletchall

Tammie Fletchall said:

Sharon I love your emails. People are so uptight and so judgmental these days and take life way too seriously. I love being at an age where I don’t care what people think. I do me and that is my freedom. I am fine with being average, as long as I’m happy and my family is happy.
I think it’s ridiculous that they unsubscribed, they obviously didn’t read the email. Their loss!

Love you lady take care!
The Rusted Willow ❤️

Marla  B Hammerschmidt

Marla B Hammerschmidt said:

I love the “F” word. I say it every time I “F” up!! Or don’t “F” up!!! I’m 68, probably wear clothes that are not age appropriate in some people’s eyes, I live in my world and I don’t give a “F” what people think !! They can be any way they want to be, but don’t come down on me because I’m not like you, thinking like you, or doing the same thing as you. At my age I’ve earned the right to be anything and anyone I want to be.
I feel sorry for the small minds that unsubscribed because of a tiny word! There are bigger issues than an expressive word. Grow up!!

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