The Top Eleven Characteristics of a Creative Woman

The Top Eleven Characteristics of a Creative Woman

June 21, 2023

You have a natural inclination towards expressing yourself through art and exploring new ideas.
Midlife brings a depth of wisdom and life experiences that can enrich your artwork and storytelling.
You use art as a medium for self-expression, allowing you to communicate your thoughts, emotions, and perspectives.
You are willing to take risks and step outside of your comfort zone to experiment with different art forms or styles.
You maintain a sense of curiosity and a desire to continuously learn and evolve as an artist.
You embrace challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth and persevere through obstacles in your artistic journey.
You stay true to yourself and create art that reflects your unique voice and experiences.
You approach your artistic practice with presence and awareness, using art as a means to cultivate mindfulness and inner peace.
Your art has the ability to evoke emotions and connect with others on a deep level, demonstrating your empathy and compassion.
You remain open to different perspectives and art forms, embracing diversity and incorporating it into your own work.
Through your art, you inspire others to embrace their own creativity and find joy inartistic exploration.
How many of these creative characteristics do you have? My number one is CURIOSITY. I think there is something missing from this list though that I think we ALL have in common. What do you think it is? Put your guess in the comments and I will send you a discount code for free shipping on all Iron Orchid Design products!


Janey Wilcockson

Janey Wilcockson said:


Although akin to resilience, perseverance is continuing, not only through the highs and lows, but also through long ordinary days and endless nights. Through years of parenting or employment or marriage; it is never forsaking your art. artful women persevere.

Janey Wilcockson

Janey Wilcockson said:

I am an elder at 7 plus decades. I encourage all women artists to persevere. Share the gifts you were given. In sharing that love you will remain vibrant.

Sharon the Accidental Artmaker

Sharon the Accidental Artmaker said:

Janey, I love your advice. Thank you for sharing your wisdom. Please DM me at for your free shipping code.

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